About Us

The Beginning is a unique boutique resort with banqueting facility blended with many exclusive zones amidst the bustling city of Bangalore surrounded by lush green farms and jungle. It is distinctive in placement because it is very difficult for any city commuter to discern any solitary place like “The Beginning” in the very heart of Bangalore city.
It is a cultural and aesthetic edifice segregated in seven distinct zones with courtyard, ceremonious hall, eateries, conference halls, exclusive suites and many more entertaining precincts. This place furnishes facilities like; exquisite place for hallowed and momentous weddings, corporate events, laser conferencing, private parties, product launch, bachelor’s parties, weekends getaway, luxurious rooms, musical concerts, DJ nights, silent parties, private dining place in artfully carved cozy corners etc. Most importantly, The Beginning is a fitting place for a destination wedding.
At this lustrous place your cheerful and iridescent memories will take shape with special experience and remain forever in your live as a gratifying and scintillating story.